creemos que tardaremos 1 a 2 semanas en subir todo lo que ha llegado
Se esta subiendo un reestock importante de foils
creemos que tardaremos 1 a 2 semanas en subir todo lo que ha llegado
Se esta subiendo un reestock importante de foils

Iron Treads - 118/162 - Uncommon

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Product Details

Card Number / Rarity:118/162 / Uncommon

Card Type / HP / Stage:Metal / 130 / Basic

Card Text:Ability—Dual Core

As long as this Pokémon has a Future Booster Energy Capsule attached, it is [F] and [M] type.

Attack 1:[M][C] Passing Wheel (60) Move an Energy from this Pokémon to 1 of your Benched Pokémon.

Weakness / Resistance / Retreat Cost:Rx2 / G-30 / 2

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